We are staying in a very nice hostel cruise deals specials discounts just outside cruise deals specials discounts Sorrento. Its very modern with an amazing rooftop terrace with 360 degree views of the volcano, mountains and sea. Sant' Agnello cruise deals specials discounts is nice you take a lift up and down to the beach for 50 cent, saves you from hiking cruise deals specials discounts up the huge hill. The lift is like a carpark lift built into the cliff. In the evening we took the coast walk to Sorrento and arrived just in time for a beautiful pink sunset. We had a bottle of wine at the front with a man playing traditional Italian songs on the accordian (just one cornetto thats all I need).
We took a boat trip to the island of Capri words really cannot cruise deals specials discounts explain how beautiful it is and how much fun we had. Giovanni was the driver of our boat. We stopped at a natural waterfall and all jumped in for a swim and snorkle, the crystal clear waters where unreal. As we crossed the sea over to Capri, Giovanni let one of the girls on our boat drive. I have never experiance speeds like that, it was so fast I could hardly breath, and with the bumps from the waves we had to hold on soo tight. It was so scary and hilarious. When we got over to the island and Giovanni took us to see the Red Grotto, just under the tide line was bright red coral. He then took us to the Green Grotto which at sunset sparkles all green in the water, we swam around. The White Grotto contain a natural Virgin Mary shape rock. We went through the Lovers Arch, and saw Robert De Niro's holiday house on the cliff and also Sophia Loren's who owns the most expensive house on the island. cruise deals specials discounts We stopped for lunch having a traditional Caprese lunch of mozzarella cruise deals specials discounts and tomato in a bagette.
After lunch we paid the addional cost to go into the Blue Grotto. Transfering onto a smaller rowing boat, we had to all crouch cruise deals specials discounts down to fit through the tiniest cave. In front of us was all black but when you looked back into the sunlight, the water was a bright illuminous blue. It was very surreal, all the boatman were singing and it echoed all around the cave. We then had to squash back down to get back through the cave waiting for the wave to dip. We swam more in other stunning caves. Giovanni then dropped us off in Capri and we all took the cliff railway to the top. We paid the entrance fee to go in Gustsa Garden, the views from there were stunning and as it was a Saturday afternoon hundreds of boats had dropped cruise deals specials discounts their anchors and the people where sunbathing and swimming cruise deals specials discounts in the sea. The shops at the top were amazing Prada, D G and many Jewelery shops and amazing 5 star hotels. We got the train to the bottom had a gelato to cool us down and Giovanni picked cruise deals specials discounts us up. On the way back Giovanni cruise deals specials discounts gave us shots of Limoncello, and we had another incredibly fast, bumpy ride back. The music was pumping with summer tunes and I had been dreaming of this at work for a long time. We took a last swim in the Queens Cove and drove back along the Sorrento coast. It was such a great day.
I graduated in June 2011 with a BA (hons) cruise deals specials discounts degree in Fine Art Media from Bath School of Art and Design. I enjoy work which looks at the subject of Documentation Art. Influenced by artists like Richard Long, Hamish cruise deals specials discounts Fulton, and Douglas Heubler. Recently I completed a three month internship in a Plymouth Gallery which is exhibiting the British Art Show 7. I really enjoy working within the gallery and have specific projects and responsiblities. In July 2012 I am embarking on a round the world trip, while on my travels I want to gain more experience cruise deals specials discounts in international Art galleries and projects. I have been in several group shows including, Trace at The Old AV Shop, Bath. I organised the Art Event, Kinetic Light Bicycle Ride as part of the Illuminate Bath Festival and most recently have had work in Migration, Newton Park, Bath. I was also selected for the Tate Project, which was organised by Bath, Norwich and Winchester Art schools and hosted by Tate Modern. My work will be shown at Free Range Graduate Art Show London in July 2011. I acted as academic representative for the past year for the Media Dept of the Fine Art course at BSAD. I have also undertaken key roles in the curation, promotion and installation of several other shows as listed below.
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