Joint degrees and validation agreements with overseas partners have become a huge growth area for British universities hertz car rental in recent hertz car rental years. But the Higher Education Funding Council for England signalled in its consultation on the risk-based quality assurance regime, published yesterday, that it wants closer monitoring of standards in collaborative provision with partners at home and abroad.
Hefce proposes that additional hertz car rental modules could be added to the institutional reviews undertaken by the Quality Assurance Agency – every six years at present – in order to look closely at collaborative provision.
"Examples of such modules would be where degree-awarding institutions validate programmes of study leading to their awards in partner organisations hertz car rental in the UK and internationally," Hefce says, adding: "Other modules hertz car rental might focus on distance learning programmes, branch campuses or joint ventures."
The document continues: "Collaborative provision, by virtue of its more complex nature…can present more challenges to the maintenance of academic hertz car rental standards and quality than other forms of higher education provision."
But Hefce adds that "where there is a significant change, such as growth, in a provider's collaborative provision, but no formal review is due for a number of years, one or more collaborative provision modules hertz car rental might be regarded as a trigger by the external panel for an out-of-cycle QAA engagement".
• For more coverage of Hefce's consultation on the risk-based quality assurance regime, hertz car rental which builds on plans outlined by the government in last year's higher education White Paper, see tomorrow's hertz car rental Times Higher Education .
More money for the QAA for its completely unscientific processes ( COURT ROOM DRAMA ). The University of Wales provided an excellent service with very clear and transparent processes,It was killed by a media campaign , a Minister seeking nothing but copy and a combined QAA - UKBA drive enabling lots of business DEVELOPMENT for the new divisions of the QAA. What this country now needs is Growth - David Cameron - do your Job -cut the tape and go for growth -lets have real value added growth not more circumspects flies buzzing around the decaying corpse of a once a Great Brittian! Can David raise it from the smoldering ashes or will he let it die with the circumspect hertz car rental flies cashing in on the way down.
@Paul Stranneviek My dear friend universities are autonomous entities and this autonomy has been earned on the basis of many years of high quality provision, to do what you are implying would mean that we cant trust anyone hertz car rental and we we would be bitching on our neighbours , acting as an arm of an Orwellian Government - which cant add value but can only regulate regulate regulate - make laws make laws -make laws and do sod all else. This is why the UK and Europe hertz car rental are in such a mess, everyone is snitching on everyone else health and safety gone wild rampant managerialism - transport strategies that clogg - a well and truly divided country -Europe.. Tim is right , we must allow the country to Grow.
@Rab I agree ever since Tony Blair got his hands on the UK we have suffered nothing but more and more regulation , the new boys on the block promised to change or undo the damage created by Blair . Promises !!!???
I am afraid your history is a little adrift hertz car rental - QAA was set up in April 1997, before TB was in power. Maybe one should blame Gillian Shephard (Baroness Shephard of Northwold), who commissioned the Dearing hertz car rental Report in 1996 as part of John Major's government?
hertz car rental @ Tim No you are wrong this is not about money for the QAA. What is at stake is the quality of provision and so the sector must be overseen , it does not matter by whom it is overseen , only that it is overseen. I guess some would say that it would be better for the entities that are charged with such a responsibility be staffed by non academics. hertz car rental Indeed if a computer hertz car rental aided system could be devised to carry out objective oversight this might work? Such a computer based system could then carry out oversight very frequently. Such a system would be useful because institutions could then benefit from the oversight hertz car rental very quickly as in a feed back system with no lengthy waits for reports etc. The institutions would benefit the students would benefit provided something was done with the feedack other than ignoring it.
This article should not cite the university of wales validated programmes as the basis of the HEFCE consultation on additional quality inter audit period. There was nothing wrong with validated programmes provided by the university of wales. What is terribly wrong is that ithje university of wales was exploited by various groups to make gains on their side. Welsh Minister -News Papers - BBC - and an entity that has nothing to do with improving quality. Shame on all these groups. Now HEFCE possibly because the people behind policy (with their army of advisors )dont know anything outsise of the world of rag media , has decided to open up a consultation on additional quality assuring processes all to dispensed by an entity with no commitment to assuring quality?.
This appears just to be reversing the decision that the QAA took to allow universities to hold hybrid audits, rather than separating institutional and collaborative audit. Under the old system, a university could have a whole extra four day visit just to check on their collaborative links. Having the expertise to look at distance schemes with third parties like Kaplan, would be good too. The consultation has moved to calling us 'providers' - a key question is who is a provider. Universities subscribe to QAA as a condition of HEFCE grant. What happens to 'providers' not in receipt of HEFCE grant. Will this system apply to all 'providers' where government student loans are payable? Would this system hertz car rental apply if loans weren't payable (like Grayling's Humanities College)? If you are sponsoring students with visas, you need educational oversight from the QAA, if that's for HE qualifications does it need to be this kind of audit?
On closer examination, the following sentence can be found in the HEFCE consultation. The outcomes of the government consultation hertz car rental on the White Paper and Technical Consultation hertz car rental and a legislative timetable were not known at the time of publication of this document. Why? Why, given the abandonment of the HE Bill (which the government knew about well before the Queen's speech was inscribed onto velum), is HEFCE out with this, when so many things are still up in the air? Surely BIS can now publish the consultation outcome & response. If BIS intends to do this before 31 July when the consultation ends, that looks like it might throw up new questions. But what if BIS knows it can't sort of these issues before the summer? hertz car rental How useless is that?
Not before time. There's some truly hair-raising things going on in quite a few off-shore entities connected with UK universities, and among them some very famous and supposedly distinguished names that would generate hertz car rental shocking headlines if only the truth was known. The UK government and the rank-and-file of UK higher education sector generally don't know the half of it and if they would be horrified. But plenty of vice chancellors and big-wigs on governing bodies know all too well, so they'll be hoping that this is just another toothless, hertz car rental timid QAA procedure that they can wrap around a little finger.
Signs of Revolt We joined with other colleagues to write about some of these experiences in The Guardian Higher on 30 January 2001. Following publication, our negative account of the QAA experience was abundantly confirmed by a flood of letters and emails from colleagues in many departments, disciplines, and universities around the country, invariably hertz car rental supportive, often angrily so. From these responses we concluded that our article spoke for the silent majority that has borne the disproportionate costs of the QAA regime. hertz car rental QAA chief executive John Randall replied on 6 February, suggesting, absurdly, that anyone truly concerned for teaching quality would set the marginal costs of a QAA inspection at zero. But our own conclusions were reinforced by an analysis of 665 QAA reports from the 1998/2000 inspection rounds, carried out by Roger Cook of Napier University and reported in The Times Higher on 2 March. He found that subject review grades were too closely correlated with institutional resources, and the rising trend of grades through time was found to be associated in part with instiutitions learning exactly how to write [self created aims and objectives] so as to maximise their grades .
A closer eye that is BLIND. Blind because they cannot see that the system /systems cannot ever work. What is needed is a system comited to Quality Improvement. Not a system commited to destruction of those who dont play their little GAME.
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