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Persistent cannabis use was associated with neuropsychological decline broadly across domains of functioning, even after controlling for years of education. Informants also reported noticing more cognitive problems for persistent cannabis users.
Persistent cannabis use was associated with neuropsychological decline broadly across domains of functioning, even after controlling for years of education. Informants also reported noticing more cognitive problems for persistent cannabis users.
Report Copyright Violation Re: Smoking weed makes you more dumb, research by scientists states currently an electronics engineer for a major weapons and aerospace manufacturer, specialising in pcb s for guidance systems on some of the world s most specialised weapons.
Report Copyright Violation Re: Smoking weed makes you more dumb, research by scientists states Funny those scientist dont tell you how zombified pills make you. OMG i have seen so many zonked out pill heads that didn t know the day, month or year. Waste a sad waste. Elzop
Report Copyright Violation Re: Smoking weed makes you more dumb, research by scientists states currently an electronics engineer for a major weapons and aerospace manufacturer, specialising in pcb s for guidance systems on some of the world s most specialised weapons.
Report Copyright Violation new york city and travel and gracie mansion and restaurants Re: Smoking weed makes you more dumb, research by scientists new york city and travel and gracie mansion and restaurants states currently an electronics engineer for a major weapons and aerospace manufacturer, specialising in pcb s for guidance systems on some of the world s most specialised weapons.
Report Copyright Violation Re: Smoking weed makes you more dumb, research by scientists states currently an electronics engineer for a major weapons and aerospace new york city and travel and gracie mansion and restaurants manufacturer, specialising in pcb s for guidance systems on some of the world s most specialised weapons Quoting: Anonymous Coward 22747169
Report new york city and travel and gracie mansion and restaurants Copyright Violation Re: Smoking new york city and travel and gracie mansion and restaurants weed makes you more dumb, research by scientists states currently an electronics engineer for a major weapons and aerospace manufacturer, specialising in pcb s for guidance systems on some of the world s most specialised weapons.
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