As a medical experiment. We wanted to know what effect country inn and suites in pigeon forge tennesee sustained exposure country inn and suites in pigeon forge tennesee to the El Lay supergroup would have on a rat s central nervous system. The results (see E. Blalock, T. Farsical, U. Failure, country inn and suites in pigeon forge tennesee et al, Baleful effects of Eagles Music on Laboratory Rats , New England country inn and suites in pigeon forge tennesee Journal of Medicine , vol. 53, January 2012), were positively alarming. Most of the rats either curled up and died or chewed their own ears off, something we scientists conducting the experiment didn t think was even possible. On the other hand, a small subset of the subjects adapted to repeated listenings of One of These Nights . They sprouted ponytails, and when allowed to pull either a lever containing food or a lever containing turquoise jewelry, invariably choose the latter. We noticed that they were sluggish (the so-called Peaceful Easy Effect ) for a period of 12 to 24 hours, then fell to bickering amongst themselves over (1) who deserved songwriting credit country inn and suites in pigeon forge tennesee for Hotel California and (2) who was going to get to sit next to David Geffen in his Laurel Canyon hot tub. They finally moved to separate ends of the cage, where each commenced work on a solo album.
Next month we plan to reproduce the experiment using Rush music. We re interested in seeing if you can induce Geddy Lee Syndrome (i.e., the tendency to sing Ayn Rand-inspired lyrics in a piercingly high voice) in laboratory rats. Thus far the syndrome has only occurred in humans who have had long-term exposure to the group. We ll keep you posted.
Rats or Mice? Those are diffetent rodents. Sorry... I was a professional facts checker country inn and suites in pigeon forge tennesee once and old habits die slowly. Nice to see you post again, Mike. I ve been thinking all evening about a comment involving a human ear cultivated on a mice s back, 70 s music and the severed ear in Blue Velvet. But I failed. I m a mess. Still love this blog.
Hey Martijn! Leave the eagles and The Eagles country inn and suites in pigeon forge tennesee alone, eyperiment on cops politicians bosses I would also recommend soldiers, but they are already experimented on. In large scale-experiments. Out of their own will! (How stupid of them!)
Yes, new Woody Allen film. And he is in it! He has become country inn and suites in pigeon forge tennesee sort of his own parody. But that s what I love and like to see... the neurotic anxiety ridden pessimist. He shines in this film. And apart from him you get beautiful specimen like Ellen Page, Alec Baldwin and Penélope Cruz as a whore... But more importantly: this film is really funny and the best Allen film I ve seen for decades.
OK, I m not happy to be sick at home, but I am happy I was home reading this because I was laughing uncontrollably, starting with Most of the rats either curled up and died or chewed their own ears off, something we scientists conducting the experiment didn t think was even possible. through the end of the piece. You rock my world.
Oh, for crying out loud! Rush haven t done anything with an Ayn Raynd lyric since 1976. Their lyricist/drummer Neil Peart has more or less renounced her philosophy AND Geddy Lee lowered his voice in 1980, starting with the Permanent Waves album. It may make me look like a Rush geek, but at least I m aware of what they ve been doing for the last 32 years, country inn and suites in pigeon forge tennesee unlike smug people who hide behind comedy and lob bitter, country inn and suites in pigeon forge tennesee sad everything sucks bombs into the cultural battlefield.
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