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This is a follow-up west los angeles animal shelter to a similar earlier piece designed to help independent travelers cope with the bewildering confusion that is the Italian rail system. The first piece on rail travel in Italy was obviously appreciated, and there s still more to tell to help the independent traveler arrive where he or she wants to go, without paying west los angeles animal shelter fines, supplements, or ending up in the wrong place.
Departures ( Partenze) west los angeles animal shelter are always written on yellow paper and they tend to be very confusing with lots of asterisks and other symbols. Look out for f eriale (work days) and festivi (holidays) to see when trains are running.
Be aware that some trains might not run on Sundays (Domenica). Also look out for the word sciopero pronounced shopero which means on strike. These strikes often occur on Thursdays. Transport strikes happen with worrying regularity in Italy, and if you express dismay they just shrug their shoulders and say, The whole point of a strike is to inconvenience passengers.
If you re traveling longer distances you ll probably want to travel on an Inter City, Eurostar or Freccia Rossa or Argento (red or silver arrow) train where you have a reserved seat. The prices are much higher for those trains, and if you re only carrying a regular regionale ticket you ll have to pay a huge supplement. (Nowhere does it say this on timetables.)
Sometimes the long distance trains don t stop where you expect them to. Some trains from Rome to Bologna for instance pass through Florence without stopping at Florence s main station, Santa Maria Novella. They stop instead west los angeles animal shelter at one of Florence s out-of-center stations. The same sometimes applies at Bologna. The mainline station is Bologna Centrale. The city s other station is way out in the suburbs. You need to check the timetable.
If you re touring Europe, it s as well to know that the Italians have their own names for Paris, Parigi, and Nice, Nizza. This is what you will see on timetables or on destination boards. Similarly, and oddly enough, the Italian name for Munich is Monaco. Don t confuse the two places and end up on the Cote d Azur!
All this information may have given the impression that rail travel in Italy is just too stressful. west los angeles animal shelter Don t give up! Armed with the correct information, you will find that trains are usually punctual, very cheap, and frequent, because they are state subsidized. Some journeys don t get much better in terms of the scenery the train passes through. (Florence to Rome, for instance.)
Select Country Angola Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Bhutan Bolivia Brazil Brunei Burma Cambodia west los angeles animal shelter Canada Canary Islands west los angeles animal shelter Chile China Colombia Costa Rica Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Dominican Rep Ecuador Egypt England Estonia Fiji France French Guiana Gambia Germany Greece Holland Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Korea Laos Lithuania Malaysia Malta Mexico Monte Carlo Morocco Namibia Nepal New Caledonia New Zealand Nigeria Norfolk west los angeles animal shelter Island Norway west los angeles animal shelter Panama Peru Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Russia Scotland Singapore west los angeles animal shelter South Africa Spain Sri Lanka St Lucia Sweden Switzerland Tahiti Taiwan Tanzania Thailand Tunisia west los angeles animal shelter Turkey USA Uruguay Vanuatu Vietnam Zambia Zimbabwe
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