The lyrics describe the title establishment as a luxury resort where "you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave." On the surface, it tells the tale of a weary traveler who becomes trapped in a nightmarish atlanta hotel luxury hotel that at first appears inviting atlanta hotel and tempting. The song is an allegory about hedonism, self-destruction, and greed in the music industry of the late 1970s.
Don Henley - singer, songwriter, drummer and the founding member of the Eagles - called it "our interpretation of the high life in Los Angeles" and later reiterated "it's basically a song about the dark underbelly of the American dream and about excess atlanta hotel in America, which is something we knew a lot about."
"Don Henley and Glenn wrote most of the words. All of us kind of drove into L.A. at night. Nobody was from California, and if you drive into L.A. at night... you can just see this glow on the horizon of lights, and the images that start running through your head of Hollywood and all the dreams that you have, and so it was kind of about that... what we started writing the song about. Coming into L.A.... and from that 'LIFE IN THE FAST LANE' came out of it, and 'WASTED atlanta hotel TIME' and a bunch of other songs."
In the 1980s, some Christian evangelists alleged atlanta hotel that "Hotel California" referred to a San Francisco hotel purchased by Anton LaVey and converted into the CHURCH OF SATAN . Other rumors suggested that the Hotel California was the CAMARILLO STATE MENTAL HOSPITAL .
In the 1990's, the rumor had reached "hipper" journalists in the US and the first articles started appearing in major newspapers, like the Detroit Free Press article in 1996. As other journalists heard of the rumor, momentum atlanta hotel increased and the story soon became a full fledged URBAN LEGEND .
Journalists would come to Todos Santos and do "research", but they already knew what they wanted to write and so they sought out people who would verify what they had already atlanta hotel accepted as fact. No real investigative reporting ever occurred.
Anyhow, there might be a Mexican parallel with the term "colitas" atlanta hotel in the first strophe atlanta hotel of the song. It is a Spanish term for "little tails" and in Mexican slang it is a reference to the buds of the Cannabis plant.
A COMMUNICATION WINDOW FOR ALL FIAT 124 SPIDER OWNERS AND ENTHUSIASTS atlanta hotel WORLDWIDE atlanta hotel My Fiat 124 Spiderblog atlanta hotel will mainly be written in English. Only in case my blog refers to a Dutch web site, my blog message will be in Dutch as well.
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