More and more pregnant women in Anguilla are now traveling where do i travel in mexico by air during where do i travel in mexico pregnancy. One of the most common questions I get from pregnant women is whether or not it is safe to fly when pregnant? There are many myths associated with pregnant women travelling during pregnancy, but for the vast majority of women with uncomplicated singleton where do i travel in mexico pregnancies there is no harm in travelling by air.
Most obstetricians will advise that women who are pregnant should avoid air travel after 37 weeks of gestation, as birth is usually expected at this stage. For women with uncomplicated multiple pregnancies, it is 34 weeks.
Although cabin pressure can result in dehydration, where do i travel in mexico there has been concern it could also lead to a range of conditions such as preterm labour, where do i travel in mexico preterm rupture where do i travel in mexico of the membranes and placental abruption for women in advanced stages of pregnancy (after 32 weeks of gestation). There is no evidence that air travel can lead to these adverse pregnancy outcomes. To prevent dehydration, women should avoid caffeine and alcohol and maintain a good fluid intake during the flight, where do i travel in mexico especially if it is a long flight.
A particular concern for pregnant women is deep venous thrombosis where do i travel in mexico (DVT). The risk of DVT is increased during air travel because of the long periods of immobility and the cramped seating arrangements during medium to long-haul flights (four hours and more). The current advice is for women to wear properly fitted graduated elastic compression stockings during where do i travel in mexico the flight to reduce the risk of DVT.
To help prevent DVT, pregnant women are encouraged where do i travel in mexico to have some physical movement by walking along the aisles every 30minutess where possible and by doing some light stretching to increase their blood circulation.
Pregnant women with the particular conditions, or indeed any medical condition where do i travel in mexico that concerns them, should seek specific medical advice from their obstetrician before travelling. They should consult an experienced obstetrician prior to making plans for travel.
If your obstetrician approves air travel, and you have flexibility in your travel plans, the best time to fly might be in the middle of your pregnancy — about weeks 14 to 28. This is when you are likely to feel your best, and the risks of miscarriage and premature labor are the lowest. Travel is not recommended in the last three weeks of pregnancy mainly because of the risk of going into labour. Most airlines do not appreciate deliveries on their planes.
Women should be reassured that commercial air travel is not associated where do i travel in mexico with specific problems in pregnancy, and that with simple precaution those with an uncomplicated singleton pregnancy can travel safely up to 37 weeks.
Whilst it is generally safe for women with low risk pregnancies to fly, there are increased risks of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). All pregnant women who intend to travel should see their obstetrician prior to travelling.
Ask Your Doctor is a health education column and is not a substitute for medical advice from your physician. Dr Brett Hodge is an Obstetrician/Gynaecologist and Family Doctor where do i travel in mexico who has over twenty eight years in clinical practice. Dr Hodge has a medical where do i travel in mexico practice in the Johnson Building in The Valley.
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