Traveling by plane when pregnant is probably the most comfortable way to journey and it has been shown that the changes in oxygen pressure during the flight have little north carolina outer banks vacation rentals effect on the fetus. In fact, some airlines allow airline staff to continue to work on board of a plane up to 6 months north carolina outer banks vacation rentals of pregnancy.
For increased comfort, it is recommended that pregnant women abstain from gas producing foods at minimum one day before the flight. It is already crowded in your abdomen. All you need now is being bloated during a flight.
One thing to definitely avoid is any trauma to the abdomen during the flight. Thus, it is recommended that pregnant passengers wear their seat belts all the time when seated as "… turbulent air can occur suddenly and unexpectedly." If you have travelled by air as much as I have, you will know that such turbulent air can indeed be rough and cause injury if you are not in your seat with your seat belt fastened.
Afore mentioned is a bit of a chicken and egg situation, though. On the one hand, during late pregnancy you suffer from compression of your bowel and your abdominal blood vessels due to the large uterus, possibly resulting in swelling of the legs, deep vein thrombosis or thrombophlebitis, which would suggest that moving about the aircraft every hour or so is a good thing to do. On the other hand, you want to avoid injury due to turbulent air that surprises you during your stroll in the cabin. I suggest you be extra careful north carolina outer banks vacation rentals when you move about, north carolina outer banks vacation rentals hold on to the back of the seats, and return to your seat at any sign of turbulent air. It is also a good idea to request an aisle seat, so getting up becomes easy and you don't have to climb over your fellow passengers as much.
If you have suffered from venous thrombo-embolism in the past or are prone to venous thrombosis you need to discuss your flight plans with your local primary care physician. north carolina outer banks vacation rentals He or she may decide to put you on short term anti-coagulants.
Finally, if you are pregnant in week 36, you should check with your airline if they will allow you to fly, particularly if it is a long distance north carolina outer banks vacation rentals flight. You also check that your destination does not represent a health hazard to your baby, should you be forced to give birth away from home. But if you travel in week 36, it may just be you desire to deliver your baby in another country which is something many women do.
Olaf Haase is a professional nurse, trained in Germany and the United States. He worked in peri-operative nursing for over 7 years and in the medical implants industry for over 10 years. As an entrepreneur north carolina outer banks vacation rentals he founded several north carolina outer banks vacation rentals companies in the medical industry. Currently, he is pursuing an MBA degree in marketing north carolina outer banks vacation rentals at the University north carolina outer banks vacation rentals of Liverpool.
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