Age is always an issue when it comes to fulfilling requirements. Car rentals budget car rentals in oregon often ask you, "What is your age?" When you reply them, they would always revert you stating, "You may be too young or too old for this. Try again next time." You may see it posted on the ads or on their bulletin; Age limits for drivers seem to vary from state to state. Some accept those who are 18 years old or 21 years old for others. Rules regulations are really, budget car rentals in oregon the only guide that would tell you whether you are within budget car rentals in oregon the eligible driving age that is set in a certain state or country.
Car rental companies vary their driving age requirement. Some may say a 21-year-old budget car rentals in oregon driver is young; so, rules in car rentals under 25 are imposed. Age limits for drivers in some countries are lower. We can cite some of these countries. They include Croatia, Germany, Iceland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Sweden. These countries accept 18 year-olds to car rental. For Estonia and Norway, 19 year-olds are of an acceptable age. 20 years old is specific for these countries; Bulgaria, Finland and Switzerland. The licence for young drivers is held for a minimum of 12 months. For other countries, they held it for up to 3 years.18 to 22 year-olds in Germany are required to buy a collision damage waiver, even though they have credit card collision coverage. A hint if you're heading to Europe, prepare an extra fee on the base rental rate if you are a young driver or below 25 .We can say that age limits for young drivers in Europe are those age between 18 years and below 25 years.
Now, let's have a look at the age limit for old drivers. Some countries don't exactly give the maximum driving age limit on renting a car. These countries are they following: Austria, Belgium,Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and Sweden. On the other hand, United Kingdom and Northern Ireland budget car rentals in oregon specified budget car rentals in oregon the age of 69 as the maximum age of renting a car. Countries like Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Greece limit 70 years old as the maximum age limit for drivers. Slovenia's maximum age limit for drivers is 73 and up to 80 in Denmark. Ireland prohibits over 75 year-olds from renting and over 70 year-olds to pay a compulsory extra fee. For Romania, 70 is the age limit and over 70 year-olds are subjected to surcharges.
This observation tells us that driving age limit in every country varies. We cannot impose the conducts in our own country on another country. budget car rentals in oregon By using this example, we can safely conclude that young and old drivers depend on the age limits stipulated in every country. budget car rentals in oregon We can also confirm that age limit can be adjusted according to one's developmental task as stated by Erik Erikson's Psychosocial Theory. By this, we can ensure safety driving .
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