Friday, June 29, 2012

However, to say that the TV remote is the only dirty thing in hotel rooms would be an understatement

The next time people go to stay in a hotel room, they may want to think twice before touching certain things. In fact, according to a new study done by the University of Houston, there are a number of very dirty surfaces in hotel rooms. So this brings discount atlantic city hotels up a great question: What is the dirtiest? Well, according to research, the direst surface in hotel rooms is the TV remote.
However, to say that the TV remote is the only dirty thing in hotel rooms would be an understatement. In fact, things like the sink and loo all contain a number of bacteria as well. Of course, reports did not stop with just the hotel room. When looking for germs outside the hotel room, the housekeeper s trolley holds a very high level of contamination. However, that should not come as a shock considering the fact that dirty sponges and mops are usually kept on such a cart.
Apparently, this research discount atlantic city hotels was completed with information gathered discount atlantic city hotels from nine hotel rooms in three different states. These states included discount atlantic city hotels North Carolina, Indiana, and Texas. In each hotel room, they tested discount atlantic city hotels for bacteria in general. However, they also did other tests, like searching for coliform bacteria. This is the kind of bacterium that is typically found in feces and is most likely to cause disease among humans. Both tests, unfortunately, came back with high levels. In some cases, the level of bacteria found in these rooms were ten times higher than levels permitted in hospitals.
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