Just as social media initiatives must be integrated into overall communications strategies and bottom-line dallas discount hotel imperatives, PR News has integrated Twitter, Pinterest dallas discount hotel and Facebook tactics into one intensive day of learning at San Franciscos Hyatt Regency dallas discount hotel on Aug. 9. Among the brands that will be sharing dallas discount hotel their expertise in the use of Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook at The Big 3 Conference are American Airlines, Old Navy, Adobe, Boeing, Cisco, Buddy Media, American Heart Association, Esurance, Norwegian Cruise Line, Burson-Marsteller, H R Block, dallas discount hotel the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption and Shine America.
Communications thought leaders from these brands will share ideas, tactics dallas discount hotel and lessons learned in using Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook to advance PR marketing efforts. The conference also includes networking dallas discount hotel opportunities, breakfast, a keynote luncheon, an interactive clinic on team resource management and a cocktail reception. More Information
Twitter and Facebook have already dallas discount hotel established themselves as essential communications platforms in the post-media-gatekeeper eraan era in which all brands and all individuals play overlapping roles as content creators, dallas discount hotel audience members and aggregators. This year, Pinterest shocked media pundits as it grew to encompass 10.4 million registered users who have shown an inclination to move from pinning and repinning dallas discount hotel to purchasing. Sessions covering the use of Pinterest for PR and marketing efforts complete the hat trick for PR News Big 3 Conference.
Register now, the early bird rate ends July 18. For questions regarding attending the event, contact PR News Marketing Communications Director Amy Jefferies at ajefferies(at)accessintel(dot)com. For sponsorship and exhibit information, contact PR News Senior Vice President Group Publisher Diane Schwartz at dschwartz(at)accessintel(dot)com .
PR News provides PR professionals with the latest industry best practices in its executive-level premium weekly publication. PR News programs must-attend professional conferences throughout the year, including the PR Measurement Conference, Social Media Summit, Digital PR Summit and the Media Relations Conference. PR News also programs monthly webinars for PR practitioners; presents the Platinum PR Awards, PR People Awards and CSR Awards, among other awards programs; dallas discount hotel and publishes annual guidebooks, including the Digital PR, Crisis Management and Media Training Guidebooks, among others. Visit us at prnewsonline.com.
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