Because our elegant Best Western hotel doesn t have a restaurant, nor an ATM for that matter, and I am totally intimidated by the D.C. area traffic which leaves me carless until my husband arrives, Jade and I were obliged to seek food and dollars at the Holiday Inn across the street. I m going to have to assume that my darling husband, no more than I, didn t know the difference between these hotels. The bus loads at the Holiday Inn were wearing designer shorts and tees and looking pretty energetic after their hot, made to order breakfast.
The restaurant at the Holiday Inn is a TGIF Friday s type, green motif, circular bar, and most everything served in an over flowing basket; sandwiches, burgers with onion rings, fries or both, big pickle wedge, american eagle airlines homepage coleslaw and quarter pound buns. It s called O Malley s Pub.
Our server recommended the brownie ice cream sandwich; a block of vanilla ice cream, between two giant brownies, sprinkled with Oreo cookies and topped with whipped cream. Appalled, I persuaded Jade into having the apple dumpling instead. Lord have mercy!
Seriously htough, american eagle airlines homepage I love America and have had amazing food there, so I know it s not all burgers. I ve also been to unbelievably good farmers markets and coop whole food stores in the US. I m sure the idea for those markets, american eagle airlines homepage now very popular on the UK, originated in America
Being less than thrilled with food of questionable origin and constructed with questionable ingredients does not make you unpatriotic. The better I cook, the more my knowledge of food increases, I become more and more skeptical of chain/too easily accessible food. I think preferring local, american eagle airlines homepage organic food is more patriotic than anything else.
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