Air travel travel and tourism industry during pregnancy never easy. A lot f precautionary measures h t b taken t ensure th comfort nd safety f th expecting mother. Although air travel h ld b minimized far possible during th pregnancy, t h ld n t curb th freedom travel and tourism industry f pregnant women t travel b air, whether f r leisure r f r work purposes. A few simple steps n easily b taken t ease th journey during th flight.
A far seating f r pregnant travelers concerned, always request f r bulkhead seat, wh h th seat located t behind th bulkhead partition th t separates th plane nt economic class fr m business class. M t f th bulkhead seats provide more legroom. Keeping n mind th t th pregnant uterus pressing n th urinary bladder, th frequency f urination expected t b increased pregnancy progresses. Thus, n aisle seat behind bulkhead w ld b ideal nd easy t m t th washroom. travel and tourism industry Sometimes, th washrooms w ld b m d available t t th bulkhead section n rt n airlines.
Swelling around th ankles nd lower legs r common n pregnancy. Th conditions n b m d worse wh n flying n a long distance journey. Pregnancy h higher travel and tourism industry risk n developing varicose vein nd deep vein thrombosis. Thus, t advisable t remove th shoe nd stocking wh n resting n th flight journey. Keep th blood circulation smooth b doing a few simple stretching exercises th t n b carried out n th seat. It involves stretching travel and tourism industry both arms nd shoulders, followed b stretching th legs nd th n rotate th feet. A bulkhead seat w ld rt nl b more spacious nd convenient f r th purpose.
Strolling travel and tourism industry along th aisle r hour helpful especially n long distance air travel. Together w th th stretching exercise, th pregnant travelers h ld feel more relax nd less numbness around lower limbs due t poor blood circulation.
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