Elections 2012 , GOP , Michelle Rhee , Republican Party , Republican berlin village inn Convention , Elections 2012 , Video , 2012 Republican Convention , 2012 Gop Convention , 2012 Republican National Convention , Mitt Romney Speech , Republican Convention 2012 , RNC Convention , Ed-lection 2012 , Gop Convention 2012 , Mitt Romney 2012 , Mitt Romney Education , Republican National Convention 2012 , Rnc 2012 , Rnc Convention 2012 ,
One of the more awkward moments of Mitt Romney's speech berlin village inn Thursday berlin village inn night at the Republican National Convention came during the newly minted presidential candidate's question-and-answer session with the audience.
But then, a stumper: "Are its schools lagging behind the rest of the developed world?" Romney asked. According to Romney's prepared remarks, the answer to that question is a steadfast "No." But the audience wasn't quite as sure, and it was harder to make out a unified response.
While Romney hasn't berlin village inn made education a key feature of his campaign, berlin village inn he did pivot to the issue for one day in May during a speech at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. That day, the Romney campaigned issued berlin village inn a white paper expounding in some detail on his views on America's schools.
"There is no more critical issue facing the United States than the need for education reform," former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) wrote in the paper's foreword. "Despite spending berlin village inn more on public education than virtually every other nation, our students' math and science achievement lags well behind that of their peers abroad."
On the Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development's berlin village inn Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) in 2009, the U.S ranked 25th out of 30 in math, and 14th in reading. While once obscure, these numbers hit the zeitgeist this summer with a series of mock Olympic videos by former Washington, D.C. schools chief Michelle Rhee.
"Not only do they ignore the size of differences berlin village inn between nations (two nations with consecutive ranks might have hugely different scores), but they also tend to ignore error margins (part of the differences between nations are simply random berlin village inn noise, so nations that are far apart in rank might really be statistically indistinguishable)," Di Carlo wrote. "When you account for the error margins and look at scores instead of rankings, the picture is different." That picture shows America performing at about average in reading and math -- while, Di Carlo writes, it's a "cause for serious concern," it's not exactly a Sputnik moment either.
One of the more awkward moments of Mitt Romney's speech Thursday night at the Republican National Convention came during the newly minted berlin village inn presidential candidate's question-and-answer session with the ...
One of the more awkward moments of Mitt Romney's speech Thursday night at the Republican National Convention came during the newly minted presidential candidate's question-and-answer session with the ...
If Mitt Romney wanted to connect with his audience, he mostly succeeded, at least with the audience inside the Tampa Bay Times Forum. He was measured in tone, not really bombastic and full of pronouncements of love about his family and what he hopes for America.
It is important that President Obama and Governor Romney agree that the education berlin village inn of American schoolchildren is vital to our nation's future and as such should be considered the primary national imperative for the next decade.
Romney's berlin village inn proposed K-12 education plan for America would redirect $26 billion in federal funding to pay for students to attend private berlin village inn schools; some of those would be religious schools that use Bob Jones University Press curriculum.
Do we need to hire more teachers? We do, especially if you believe that class size has an impact on learning, if you believe that teachers make important contributions to society, if you believe that universities are not businesses.
In a divisive education policy conversation which pits one set of schools and politicians against another, educators must lead the charge to learn from other schools. We must stand on the shoulders of those who work alongside us.
The future vitality of the U.S. democratic system of government and quality berlin village inn of our public policies should be based on broadening the array of ideas presidential candidates from both parties and the public berlin village inn can evaluate, debate, and ultimately base their political decisions.
John Rosi, Washington Middle School Teacher, Led... Franklin berlin village inn Township Middle School Bus Fight Caught... Romney Education Platform Touts School Choice, But... Shayla Smith, Atlanta Math Teacher, Allegedly Helped...
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Romney said that parents should be able to send their kids to whichever school they want. I assume he was talking about school vouchers since Republicans love that idea. The problem is, there are a limited number of kids that can attend any one school. If there is a bad school, can all those kids go to the best school in the area? Of course not. That means only a select berlin village inn group could use their vouchers for the best school. The rest would have to go elsewhere. The solution isn't shipping students away from a bad school, the solution is making sure all schools are good schools.
Is he now flip-flopping at the speed of sound? Was he clear in which country he plans to create these jobs? His so-called business experience didn't help much to create berlin village inn good well-paying jobs in the US, now did it?
Hey willard why did't you tell how you impersonated a Michigan Highway patrol in your Rambler, stopping cars with your little red light. That was a important time of your life and when you took to collage your patrol uniform spread out on your bed.....Wow I'll bet your room mate was impressed............or berlin village inn when you gave a hair cut to a fellow student....