This is a country chic alpine ski and sea resorts mediterranean in italian vacation packages . It occupies southern slopes of Alps and Apennine peninsula enterpriserental auto whole, Sicily, Sardinia and several small islands. Washed five seas: Adriatic, Ionian, Mediterranean, Tyrrhenian and Liguriiyskim. The wealth of nature and diversity of historical monuments of Rome, Florence, Venice attracts millions of tourists. Italy also provides enterpriserental auto excellent italian vacation packages in Milan.
Climate: In most of Mediterranean-type climate. The average January temperature of 0 ° C to +12 ° C, July +20 +28 ° C. In northern Italy in winter almost always snows, which has been on for several weeks. In spring and early summer rains come thunderstorms and strong winds. In south, that is, in peninsular and insular parts of winter enterpriserental auto is much milder enterpriserental auto in summer almost all days are clear and dry. In italy tour packages , climate varies from temperate in foothills to the cold on tops. In the italy tour packages , the snow stays for several months, on top of lies constantly, frequent enterpriserental auto heavy snowfalls.
The Italians very emotional and temperamental people. Vividly national traits manifest themselves during holidays . At this time, there were famous Venetian masks. During carnival streets, squares and canals are filled with people in masks and costumes. Among the great variety of masks can be found masks of heroes tales of Brothers Grimm, enterpriserental auto Andersen, various political figures and, of course, enterpriserental auto Harlequin and King Carnival.
Cuisine: National cuisine is one of main attractions of italy tours 2012 . Throughout the world, known for pizza, pasta (pasta), risotto and parmesan cheese. Very popular products from seafood, meats and cheese Mozzarella , and to prepare coffee and ice cream Italians have no equal. Traditions of folk cuisine in here is very strong in many upscale enterpriserental auto restaurants prepare dishes according to recipes, famous since Punic Wars era, and are very proud of. And in each of the twenty regions of the country there are dozens of recipes of their own, even simplest and most famous dishes, and honors from local cooks output from neighbors and taken pride in every possible way to extol their virtues. A great italy tours 2012are famous since ancient times.
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