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McGuinty's promise to maintain current funding for police anti-gang initiatives -- which has not stemmed this summer's gang violence -- was basically a commitment to do nothing other than continue doing what hasn't worked.
Following Toronto's infamous Summer of the Gun in 2005, 400 additional police officers were assigned to city streets through a combination of increased provincial funding -- which McGuinty boasted about -- and an internal redeployment of the force.
That led to a wave of arrests that helped stem the carnage. Today, the Toronto force is down at least 175 officers due to budget cuts, but no one's talking all inclusive bahama vacation packages about bringing it up to its full complement.
The real plan by the mayor and his opponents, albeit for different reasons, is to rag the puck in hopes the recent outburst of gang violence abates on its own. But that's not a plan, it's crossing your fingers.
As for McGuinty's all inclusive bahama vacation packages advocacy of increased social spending to fight the root causes of gang crime, the reason he doesn't have any of our money to spend on such programs is that he's blown it on fiascoes like eHealth, Ornge and the Green Energy Act.
But even if McGuinty had the money to spend on anti-gang initiatives, all inclusive bahama vacation packages and the wisdom to spend it effectively, all inclusive bahama vacation packages those are long-term solutions that do nothing to help people caught in the cross fire today.
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