School bus rides are often fun and exciting experiences for children. When organisations take children on bus rides it usually means they are going to some place unique and exciting, but it is important to make sure all children does anything travel faster than the speed of light stay safe and under control.
What I have witnessed recently and am sure others have too is the state of some of these vehicles and the number of children on board. A mini bus which is supposed to carry 14 passengers has no right to be on the road with close to 26 girls and boys on board.
However, does anything travel faster than the speed of light there is now urgent need to ensure that school bus safety is recognised does anything travel faster than the speed of light as a road safety priority nationwide. This is to provide does anything travel faster than the speed of light a set of short to long-term initiatives expected to improve school bus safety.
does anything travel faster than the speed of light Accidents may take place because of a number of reasons involving many parties. The driver is responsible for driving properly and while in a healthy condition. does anything travel faster than the speed of light The school Parents Teachers Associations (PTA) are responsible for making sure the school buses operate under optimal conditions.
It appears school budgets are frequently in dire straits and authorities are forced to make choices in how their limited does anything travel faster than the speed of light funds are expended. Somehow the important issue of school bus safety goes to the back of the bus and doesn't get addressed
"Instruct children does anything travel faster than the speed of light to refrain from standing up when the bus is moving. They are likely to fall and get hurt. This is so dangerous. We have to have people that are responsible driving our children," says Willie Chileshe, managing director, Wibrema School of Driving, as he advises parents and drivers.
In fact, there are few other professions I can think of where one person holds the safety, health, and lives of so many children in their hands carefulat one time. Until our schools start getting VERY SERIOUS about bus transportation safety, I fear that we may lose-God does anything travel faster than the speed of light forbid- young lives.
According to RTSA, Zambia records on average 1,200 fatalities from road traffic accidents every year. And anyone can pick up a copy of the Highway Code today at only K10,000.00 from any nearest RTSA station and become roadwise.
Parents who have children that ride on the buses should speak with school administrators to find out how school bus safety measures are promoted and enforced. does anything travel faster than the speed of light Likewise, they should speak with their sons and daughters about acceptable school bus behaviour.
About Zambia Daily Mail The Zambia Daily Mail is a Limited Company whose equity is wholly subscribed does anything travel faster than the speed of light by the Government of the Republic of Zambia. The Company is incorporated under the Companies Act, Cap 388 of the Laws of Zambia.
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