Ontario's two biggest school boards are grappling to balance their budgets for 2012-13, accusing the Liberal government of not providing near enough funding for programs and services for schools and students.
That sentiment was echoed at the Peel public best deals in hawaii for rental cars board — the second-largest best deals in hawaii for rental cars school board in the country, behind Toronto — where Chair Janet McDougald said the province claims it wants the world's best-educated workforce, "but somehow, lost in the translation, is the financial commitment best deals in hawaii for rental cars to actually attain best deals in hawaii for rental cars that goal.
"Because when all the numbers are crunched, all the beans counted best deals in hawaii for rental cars . . . the end result is not positive for the Peel District School Board, for our staff, for our students or for our community" and will mean cuts to literacy teachers and school maintenance given Peel's low per-pupil funding rate compared to other boards.
In Toronto, trustees will vote Wednesday best deals in hawaii for rental cars night on cuts to education for special needs students, best deals in hawaii for rental cars closing classrooms and cafeterias, and chopping individual school budgets, to find $58 million in savings on top of the almost $51 million already axed through job cuts.
"The ability to continue offsetting the structural deficit through central reductions is no longer sustainable nor feasible," best deals in hawaii for rental cars says a budget report before trustees. "Therefore, the recommendation will impact how support and services are delivered to our schools and communities."
Education Minister Laurel Broten said the province has provided increased funding best deals in hawaii for rental cars to boards since taking office, and in Toronto it has gone up 34 per cent over the past eight years, as enrolment declines.
"In challenging economic times, our government has made a direct and conscientious choice to protect the gains made in education," Broten said. "My expectation is that boards will do the same, to continue to focus on the classroom and put students best deals in hawaii for rental cars as the top priority."
She said the Toronto best deals in hawaii for rental cars board has seen a 30-per-cent increase in special education funding since the Liberals came to office which is a "significant increase, and clearly demonstrates the investments we are making in students and this board."
The board is also considering cutting in half the staff in the gender-based violence department, which would also affect support for gay-straight alliance clubs in high schools, a huge part of the Ontario government's recent anti-bullying bill, she added.
"This is purely best deals in hawaii for rental cars driven best deals in hawaii for rental cars by numbers . . . there's absolutely no looking at how these numbers meet student needs," she said of province's formula for funding schools, which the Liberal government promised to review but has not.
A Toronto parent group is also calling on the government to look at how it funds schools, arguing that's what has led to big budget cuts in Toronto, and says it will hold a rally before Wednesday night's vote.
Zafari said there are other places he'd rather see cuts — senior staffing at the board's central offices — "that's a smarter way to go." He said high schools best deals in hawaii for rental cars are already being hit with a 200-teacher cut the board previously best deals in hawaii for rental cars approved.
"The services that make the TDSB unique have become a necessity for our students," added Zafari, a student trustee who sits as a non-voting member of the board. "Safe and caring schools should be the priority."
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