Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I was watching a TV news broadcast reporting the death of a person in a home fire. . .The report wen

A: Most people are aware of the obvious benefits of installing and maintaining smoke detectors throughout their homes, but many would be surprised to know that it s mandatory. pier 5 hotel baltimore California law requires branson mo lodging valentine specials every single-family dwelling pier 5 hotel baltimore and factory-built housing to have operable smoke detectors in designated areas. Furthermore, the smoke detectors must be approved and listed by the State Fire Marshal and installed pier 5 hotel baltimore according to state regulations. ( Cal. Health Safety Code 13113.8 .) Other types of residences, such as condos, apartment buildings, pier 5 hotel baltimore mobile pier 5 hotel baltimore homes, and hotels branson mo lodging valentine specials may be subject to different pier 5 hotel baltimore requirements as set forth in Section 13113.7 of the Health and Safety Code.
There are numerous laws and regulations concerning the installation, placement, and type of smoke detection devices, and the need to replace your current detectors before selling your home will depend on several factors. To help you determine whether you may need new or additional smoke detectors in your house, branson mo lodging valentine specials pier 5 hotel baltimore consider branson mo lodging valentine specials the following:
If the house has undergone any major additions, renovations, or repairs since August 14, 1992 that exceeds $1,000 branson mo lodging valentine specials in cost and for which a permit is required, a smoke detector must be installed in each bedroom in addition to being centrally located in the corridor or area outside the bedroom. In newly constructed areas, the smoke detector must be hardwired with a battery pier 5 hotel baltimore backup. ( California Building Code 907.
For homes built before 1992, smoke detectors may be battery operated. Newer homes or homes that have undergone major construction pier 5 hotel baltimore require hardwired smoke detectors with a battery backup, pier 5 hotel baltimore as stated in the California Building Code.
In homes built before 1992, smoke detectors must be centrally located outside pier 5 hotel baltimore each sleeping area. Depending on the floor plan, one or several smoke detectors may be needed. For instance, a two-story house with bedrooms upstairs and downstairs will need two smoke detectors, one centrally located outside pier 5 hotel baltimore each area. On the other hand, a two-story house with bedrooms on the second floor will need only one smoke detector if the bedrooms branson mo lodging valentine specials are all in the same area. If the home was built after 1992 or has undergone major repairs or construction, the California Building Code requires the installation of smoke detectors in each bedroom, and in each corridor or hallway near each sleeping branson mo lodging valentine specials area.
Depending on the region, factors like climate and population can vary dramatically branson mo lodging valentine specials in California. Local municipalities may impose branson mo lodging valentine specials further requirements regarding smoke detectors. It is important to check with the local department of building and safety to determine the requirements in your region.
When selling your home, you will also need to provide documentation to the buyer of the property s compliance with California s laws and regulations concerning branson mo lodging valentine specials smoke detectors. pier 5 hotel baltimore For more information on this process, consult branson mo lodging valentine specials Health and Safety Code 13113.8 or this guide published by the California Association of Realtors .
Because of the many variables involved in California s smoke detector laws, regulations, and local ordinances, branson mo lodging valentine specials pier 5 hotel baltimore you ll want to conduct your own research before taking action. You can visit the Law Library for print and online access to the state code and regulations; they are also available online at www. leginfo.ca.gov/calaw and www.calregs.com . To research branson mo lodging valentine specials local rules or ordinances, try contacting the local department of building and safety. In Sacramento, the Community Development Department is the best source of information pier 5 hotel baltimore on local requirements and inspections.
Do you have a question for the County Law Librarian? Just email sacpress@saclaw.org . If your question is selected your answer will appear branson mo lodging valentine specials in next Thursday s column. pier 5 hotel baltimore Even if your question isn t selected, though, I will still respond within two weeks.
Hi - I would like some really hard info as to CA stance on smoke detectors as everything I've seen on Smokies is really ambiguous. I run a property preservation company and some of our clients pier 5 hotel baltimore request 1 smoke detector per floor and other's say to install per CA guidelines. So far, CA guidelines are all over the map. Some say to refer to the manufacturers guidelines . Others say 1 in each bedroom and 1 in hallway between bedrooms and one on each additional level. I've reviewed sections 13113.8 of the law and again it's not clear. pier 5 hotel baltimore If anyone out there has an answer to what we are supposed to install and can document I'd be so excited. branson mo lodging valentine specials Also, we now have the new CO law that is again up for grabs on what is law...... any ideas??
Me and boy friend and are son live in a trailer pier 5 hotel baltimore park. we have lived here for two months branson mo lodging valentine specials now and sence we lived here we have not had a smoke deter in are home and we told the land lord about and they said yes we will get them to you guys but we have not seen the smoke deters yet. can the land lords get in trouble for not having smoke deters in the trailer.
I was watching a TV news broadcast branson mo lodging valentine specials reporting the death of a person in a home fire. . .The report went on to say that the Fire Captain indicated that smoke detectors should be in every home and replaced every 10 years. . .and Carbon Dioxide detectors should also be in every home and replaced every 5 years. Can anyone comment?

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