Arenal is one of the most exciting and sought after destinations for the ultimate what is the website for continental airlines Costa Rica vacation. Arenal and the nearby town of La Fortuna offer a wide range of hotels and activities that rival any top vacation destination. It is impossible to ignore the allure and majesty of the Arenal Volcano itself. The volcano and its abundant natural hot springs, provide the stunning backdrop that makes this natural wonder an absolute must-visit in Costa Rica. Considered extinct in modern times, this sleeping giant awoke with a vengeance on July 29, 1968 with a large eruption which destroyed three villages and killed 87 people. what is the website for continental airlines The current eruption period in the 7,000 year history of this picture-perfect conical what is the website for continental airlines volcano now produces daily displays of red-hot lava tumbling down the slopes with the signature rumblings and ash columns towering above. It is the youngest and most active of Costa Rica's volcanoes, and is said to be one of the tenth most active in the world.
Lake Arenal, Costa Rica's largest lake is a beautiful complement to the southwest slope, not only for its natural beauty, but for the array of activities it offers as well. Additionally, the post 1968 effect tripled the area of the lake which provides hydroelectric what is the website for continental airlines power for Costa Ricans. what is the website for continental airlines Sources site between 40% and 70% of all power produced in Costa Rica comes from Lake Arenal hydroelectric.
Activities for the region are many and varied, including hiking, canopy zip-lines, white water rafting, scenic river floats, horseback riding, ATV tours, hanging bridges tours, sky-trek, what is the website for continental airlines sky-tram, bungee jumping, canyoning/rapelling, mountain biking, fishing, bird watching, what is the website for continental airlines naturalist tours, butterfly gardens, botanical gardens, Cano Negro National Park, hot springs, windsurfing, and kayaking. The shores north of Tilaran are world class windsurfing territory, and the lake boasts great rainbow what is the website for continental airlines and brown bass fishing, as well as kayaking and boat tours. The level of adventure can be from mild to extreme and anything in between. After a day of exhilarating fun you can return to your hotel ready for pampering. what is the website for continental airlines My favorite hotels in Arenal offer spas that bliss you into relaxation leaving you refreshed for whatever is in store for the evening what is the website for continental airlines or the following day.
Top on my list is the Arenal Kioro. This lovely hotel really has a beautifully complete experience for clients with particular focus on excellent service, all the while reducing environmental impact as much as possible. The landscaping and views are wonderful, with ample trails with plant species marked enabling you to explore a bit on your own without even leaving the property. The spa services are lovely and professional, complimenting the private elegant hot springs flowing from Titoku, which means 'Water of the Gods'. The wonderful advantage here is the intimacy with the hot springs being on site and enjoyed only by hotel guests. Some of the other hot springs in the area are nice but you feel at times like one in a herd of so many. The cuisine at the Kioro restaurant 'Heliconias' is excellent, which is especially important as cuisine and service are still evolving in Costa Rica. It is so nice to have the option to explore more rustic cuisine in the area, but know you can have a great meal right at your hotel, especially after a day full of activities. All rooms are considered suites because they are truly expansive and boast super panoramic volcano and mountain views. You have views from everywhere: each suite, the pool and bar as well as the restaurant. The comments again and again from guests revolve around the attentiveness of the staff. Staying at the Kioro is a truly lovely what is the website for continental airlines experience all the way around.
Another wonderful place to stay, very intimate and charming with a Balinese feel is Arenal Nayara. With only 26 'casitas' you have a wonderful private feel. Each casita has a balcony with Jacuzzi for two and lovely views. The swim up pool bar is surrounded what is the website for continental airlines by views and lush landscaping, with the Altamira restaurant above providing indoor/outdoor dining with views to die for. Again as with Kioro, the comments are always so nice about the staff, and the overall feeling is cozy and romantic. The d cor is very inviting with warm earth tones, and rounded what is the website for continental airlines Indonesian style beds and chairs to snuggle into. For a boutique feel, with views, nice restaurant, friendly attentive service, lovely pool and spa services you can't go wrong.
Whether you arrive by air or ground, the scenery will take your breath away. The distance from San Jose is 191 km, which by ground takes 3.5 to 4 hours. The trek is lovely, but very twisty and prone to occasional blockages due to any number what is the website for continental airlines of things. In Costa Rica the roads and bridges what is the website for continental airlines are much less than spectacular, with many potholes and narrow one way bridges, and no shoulders. If you have plenty of time, it is scenic and adventurous, but since most of us appreciate maximizing time in our destinations, flying is the superior way to travel. I certainly savor it! Arriving on Nature Air will give you the gorgeous bird's eye view of the area and save three to three and a half hours of travel time. The flight time from San Jose is 25 minutes, and as you descend you feel almost a part of the lush landscape. The airstrip is just outside of la Fortuna and is known by locals as 'El Tanque' which is named for the large water storage tank nearby. Most hotels will arrange pick up for you, whisking you away to your Arenal hotel in 10 to 15 minutes on average. If you are thinking of a visit to Costa Rica, or a return visit, Arenal is a must!
Lisa Khajavi is a Costa Rica Travel Designer and member of Nature Vacations Costa Rica . Nature Vacations is the premier travel agency of, the first carbon neutral airline in the world. For a list of top hotels and lodges what is the website for continental airlines in Arenal feel free to visit us here: Arenal Costa Rica Hotels and Resorts Author: what is the website for continental airlines Lisa Khajavi
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