We are proud to announce, that we are the first photographers who did 360 VR in Sandringham Estate. Sandringham 360 Virtual Tour contains cruise ship employment agency six immersive panoramas with historical facts and useful informations which will give you realistic experience of this mystical place .
Although a Royal residence for only 150 years, Sandringham abounds in history. It has seen the deaths of two monarchs; suffered its share of wartime tragedy; and been the venue for the first ever Christmas Broadcast.
The story began in 1862. Prince Albert, husband of Queen Victoria, cruise ship employment agency was looking for a country home for his eldest son, Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, before his twentieth birthday. cruise ship employment agency The idea was to find a healthy retreat for his young son, away from the distractions of the city.
The Prince of Wales liked to be outdoors cruise ship employment agency as much as possible and he devised the idea of ST Sandringham Time. The idea was to make the most of the winter daylight hours for his passion for shooting and so the clocks all over the Sandringham Estate were advanced cruise ship employment agency by half an hour. King George V maintained this custom during his lifetime, but King Edward VIII abolished it on his accession in 1936.
After his abdication, he retained rights to Sandringham and Balmoral, since both estates are held privately cruise ship employment agency and not as Sovereign. Under a financial settlement the two estates were transferred to his brother, the new King George VI.
His coffin lay in the small church of St. Mary Magdalene, Sandringham, watched over in a round-the-clock vigil by Sandringham gamekeepers before being taken to London and then to Windsor for interment.
From that time the Princess made regular visits to Sandringham. During the Second World War she and her sister were often resident on the Sandringham estate, cruise ship employment agency living at Appleton cruise ship employment agency House. In 1943 Princess Elizabeth was featured cruise ship employment agency in newspapers helping with the harvest.
Car parks are located at the Visitor cruise ship employment agency Centre, which has no postcode. The postcode of the Park House Hotel, which is opposite the Visitor Centre, is PE35 6EH; please follow the brown and white tourist roadsigns, which will bring you to the Visitor Centre.
On: August 22, 2012 In: Everyday moments , HDR , Historical places , King's Lynn , Marko Dronjaks , Nature , Norfolk , Palaces and castles , panorama , Royal Residence , sandringham , Virtual Tours No Comments.
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