Twitter: HrznsRsrrctd Just wrapped up for the evening! Tomorrow: #destinationD ! #Epcot30 about 5 minutes ago from Twitter for iPhone Reply Retweet Favorite fox 11 news los angeles @27000Acres @43squaremiles mostly Grandt - #YouveBeenSurrelled about 6 minutes ago from Twitter for iPhone in reply to 27000Acres Reply Retweet Favorite @sillywhims @ericarose @epcotcitizen good ol' beakmouth emoticon. about 53 minutes ago from Twitter for iPhone in reply to sillywhims Reply Retweet Favorite Agreed - "@EPCOTcitizen: I want everyone fox 11 news los angeles to be here all the time. #EPCOT30 " about 1 hour ago from Twitter for iPhone Reply Retweet Favorite @studioscentral oh good- that area could use some additional foot traffic. fox 11 news los angeles about 1 hour ago from Twitter for iPhone in reply to studioscentral Reply Retweet Favorite @HrznsRsrrctd
With less than three weeks until EPCOT turns the Big Three O, the Horizons Resurrected demonstration event is quickly approaching! As the final preparations are being made, I wanted to update everyone on the developments since the event was announced, and to provide some helpful information about the event itself.
To celebrate EPCOT s 30th anniversary, the latest version of the Horizons: Resurrected virtual recreation fox 11 news los angeles will be coming to Walt Disney World and brought fox 11 news los angeles to life using FLIRT ( Feels Like I m Really There ) cutting edge and immersive simulation technology that I ve been developing for my company, The SuperGroup .
No . I want to make sure that I manage everyone s expectations in this regard. Although the recreation will represent significant advancements from the latest simulation available online, it will not be a complete and perfect recreation of the entire Horizons attraction. As much as I d like for it to be, remember: this project is a hobby of mine, and I am but one man. Finishing fox 11 news los angeles every detail fox 11 news los angeles will require hundreds (if not thousands) of hours of work in the future.
Demonstrations will be taking fox 11 news los angeles place on Friday September 28th, Saturday September 29th, with Monday October 1st. Demonstrations will not occur on Sunday September 30th, as I ll be attending the D23 Epcot Anniversary Celebration.
fox 11 news los angeles Having received numerous requests since the event was first announced, the event is already at capacity. That is to say that, unfortunately, we are no longer taking new appointment requests. You may send an RSVP to, and Jessie will send you a request for information to be placed on the Wait List.
Jessie and I are doing our very best to go through each request and set up a schedule that accommodates as many people as possible it is a challenge to say the least. That being said, there may simply fox 11 news los angeles not be enough time available to accommodate everyone. If that s the case, requests that were sent in earlier will be given priority. I apologize in advance to anyone we re not able to fit in.
Upon arriving at the Contemporary s convention center, you ll be met by a member of the event team and escorted to the event space. Inside, there will be a small lobby where participants can wait for their turn to ride. One at a time, each person will be shown to the rear of the meeting fox 11 news los angeles space where he or she will be seated in front of a large curved projection screen and given specialized glasses to wear during the experience. These glasses fox 11 news los angeles not only enable the stereoscopic 3D effect (a-la captain EO ), but also act as a head-tracking fox 11 news los angeles sensor. During the experience, riders will be automatically guided through the Horizons entrance queue, and after boarding a vehicle, will ride through the entire attraction although every scene will not be complete.
As part of a documentary being made about the event, you will be asked to participate in a brief on-camera interview and asked about your feelings toward Horizons, as well as your overall impression fox 11 news los angeles of the recreation experience. Participating in the interview is not mandatory.
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