Seaside, Oregon seems like a quiet, coastal town, but looks can be deceiving. Though it s a beautiful tourist town, it s also full of mystery. There are many ghost stories about this city from years ago.
The Old Hotel Seaside, later called The Seasider, is one of the places that was haunted. For 100 years this beautiful building county government of los angeles was a main attraction at the Seaside Turnaround. It is said that many ghosts haunted this place. Now the Shilo Inn sits where The Seasider used to be. When the Old Hotel was torn down it s spooks moved. Bob , the owner of Girtle s Restaurant, county government of los angeles said the ghosts moved to his restaurant.
Girtle s Restaurant is located on Broadway. Bob said that some of the old employees of The Seasider came to work for him in the 80 s. At least one of them said they saw the same ghosts from the hotel in the restaurant. He recognized some of the same strange happenings at Girtle s. One of the strange happenings was that some employees saw shadows of feet in a closed-off kitchen area. The feet were behind the door but could be seen from the space between the door and the floor. This always seemed county government of los angeles to happen at a time when no one could possibly be in that area. At first the area was checked, but now it is not. These strange feet have become a normal thing. Bob and his crew also claimed to see flying coffee pots in the area between the kitchen and the main dining area. Sometimes the pots would move and other times they fly.
This seems to be a normal incident at another Seaside eatery called Lil Bayou. This is a New Orleans style restaurant. The owner, John Sowa said he also felt like someone was next to him when he was alone in his office. Kitchen utensils were also said to sometimes be in places other then where the employees placed them. Sometimes an object mysteriously falls from a hook or shelf. Lil Bayou is in the Gilbert District of Seaside. This is a historic area filled with old buildings. All of these buildings have an upstairs area, but many upstairs areas are unused. Many people say ghosts haunt those areas.
The Seaside Aquarium is a great place to visit, but it also has it s ghost stories. When the building was a natotorium, about 80 years ago, it was said to be haunted. There were apartments on the top floor that are no longer available to the public. That is a good thing because county government of los angeles these areas are known for creepy weirdness. Though county government of los angeles the area isn t used much some employees say you can sometimes hear voices. Some say these are voices from people county government of los angeles playing on the beach, but is it really just that? Some say there are good spirits in this area. They are called county government of los angeles the Good Spirits of Wheeler. Some locals say the place is a spiritual vortex lite. They call certain good moments Wheeler Moments. Â These moments are when something miraculous or lucky happens.
These stories don t scare many people away from this beautiful coastal town. In fact, it only adds to the attraction. Not only does this city have it s pretty county government of los angeles beaches county government of los angeles and interesting shopping areas, but it has it s mysteries. county government of los angeles It just goes to show that nothing is as it seems. Not even in a little town called Seaside.
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