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A couple of people I want to acknowledge first of all, please give a huge round of applause to Brenda for that great introduction. (Applause.) And go try some of her pizza if you have not tried it. (Laughter.) You got a testimony right here he says it s outstanding. I want to thank her so much for doing this.
A couple other people your outstanding former governor, Ted Strickland, is here. Give Ted a big round of applause. (Applause.) And although he couldn t be here because he s got votes, enclosed car trailer for rent I just want to tell you that you could not have a stronger advocate than your hometown boy, the United States Senator from Ohio, Sherrod Brown. (Applause.)
Now, finally, I just think it makes sense for us to give it up for all of our outstanding American south carolina jimmy buffett tour dates athletes who are competing in London right now. (Applause.) I want to congratulate Michael Phelps south carolina jimmy buffett tour dates (applause) most medals we ve ever seen. And then I had a chance south carolina jimmy buffett tour dates on the way over here to call up the women s gymnastic team (applause) for bringing home the gold.
I have to tell you, when I m watching when people run track, south carolina jimmy buffett tour dates I understand, I know how to run. They re just much faster. enclosed car trailer for rent (Laughter.) And I know how to swim they just swim much better than I do. These gymnastics folks I don t understand how they do what they do. (Laughter.) So I told these young ladies as I was congratulating them, how do you not bust your head (laughter) every time you re on that little balance south carolina jimmy buffett tour dates beam? I couldn t walk across that balance beam. (Laughter.)
So, anyway, we could not be prouder enclosed car trailer for rent of them. (Applause.) And there are a whole bunch of Ohioans who are representing our country in the Olympics and the Paralympics. Abby Johnston from Upper Arlington already won a silver medal in diving. (Applause.) We'll be rooting for Army Specialist Justin Lester from Akron he s going to be wrestling for America next week. (Applause.)
The wonderful thing about the Olympics is it reminds us that, for all our differences, when it comes down to our country, we re Americans first. (Applause.) And we could not be prouder of them and everything they re doing on our behalf.
Now, unless you've been hiding from your television, you may be aware there's south carolina jimmy buffett tour dates a pretty intense campaign enclosed car trailer for rent going on right now. (Applause.) enclosed car trailer for rent And the reason that this is an intense campaign is because the choice enclosed car trailer for rent that we face in November could not be bigger. I mean, this is a stark choice.
It's a choice not just between two candidates or two parties, but more than any election in recent memory, this is a choice between two fundamentally different visions enclosed car trailer for rent for America two fundamentally different paths that we should that we could be going down.
Now, the direction that we choose the direction you choose when you walk into this voting booth in November south carolina jimmy buffett tour dates is going to have a direct enclosed car trailer for rent impact on your lives, but also on your children s lives and your grandchildren s lives. (Applause.)
And four years ago, we came together as Democrats, but also independents and some Republicans to restore the basic bargain that built the greatest middle class and the most prosperous country the world has ever known. (Applause.) And it's a bargain that I ve lived in my life and so many of you have experienced. It s the basic idea that says here in this country, if you work hard, that work should be rewarded. (Applause.) If you act responsibly, you should be able to get ahead.
south carolina jimmy buffett tour dates It's a deal that says if we put in enough enclosed car trailer for rent effort, we should be able to find a job that pays the bills. We should be able to afford a home that we call our own. We should have health care that we can count on if we get sick. (Applause.) We should be able to retire with dignity and respect. (Applause.) And most of all, we should be able to give our children the kind of education that allows them to dream even bigger and do even better than we ever imagined. enclosed car trailer for rent (Applause.) That s what we believe. (Applause.)
It's a simple promise. enclosed car trailer for rent It's at the core of the American south carolina jimmy buffett enclosed car trailer for rent tour dates Dream. And we knew that restoring it wouldn't be easy we knew it would take more than one year, or one term, or even one President. And that was before the middle class was hammered by the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes a crisis that robbed too many of our friends and our neighbors of their homes, their jobs, their savings and pushed the American Dream even further out of reach for too many people.
enclosed car trailer for rent But you know what, there's one thing that that crisis did not changed. It did not change who we are. It did not change the American character. It did not change what made us great. It hasn't changed why we came together to do what we did in 2008 it's just made our mission more urgent. (Applause.)
Our first order of business is to recover all the jobs and wealth that was lost in the crisis. And we've made strides these last three and a half years to get that done. But beyond that, we're here to reclaim the financial security that's been slipping enclosed car trailer for rent away for more than a decade.
south carolina jimmy buffett tour dates The decade before I came into office, your incomes and wages generally weren't going up, jobs were moving overseas, the auto industry had been getting south carolina jimmy buffett tour dates hammered. So our job is not just to put people back to work. It's also to build an economy where, over the long haul, that work pays off so that no matter who you are, or what you look like, or where you come from, here in America, you can make it if you try. (Applause.)
THE PRESIDENT: Now, Mansfield, there are no quick fixes or easy solutions to the challenges we face. But there's no doubt in my mind we've got the capacity to meet them. Think about everything that we have going for us here in America. We've got the best workers. (Applause.) We've got the best entrepreneurs. (Applause.) We've got the best scientists. We've got the best researchers. We've got the best colleges, best universities. enclosed car trailer for rent (Applause.) We've got a Buckeye guy right here. (Applause.) We're a young nation, enclosed car trailer for rent with great diversity of talent and ingenuity. People come here want to come here from every corner enclosed car trailer for rent of the globe. So no matter what the naysayers tell us, no matter how dark the other side tries to make things look, there is not another country on Earth that wouldn't south carolina enclosed car trailer for rent jimmy buffett tour dates gladly trade places with the United States of America. (Applause.)
So what's standing in our way is not that we don't have the ingredients to make the 21st century the American Century just like the 20th. The problem enclosed car trailer for rent we've got right now is our politics the sort of uncompromising view, the notion that we should be going back to what we were doing that got us into this mess in the first place, instead of going forward to achieve a brighter American future. It's the old it's that old top-down economics south carolina jimmy buffett tour dates that we've been hearing about for years the old, discredited idea that if we somehow get rid of more regulations on big corporations and give more tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans, that somehow that's going to lead to more jobs and prosperity for everybody.
Ohio, you know better. I know better. We know this country wasn't built from the top down. It was built by the middle class. enclosed car trailer for rent (Applause.) It was built by farmers and factory workers, and startups and small businesses, south carolina jimmy buffett tour dates and companies that sent American products overseas, not sending south carolina enclosed car trailer for rent jimmy buffett tour dates American jobs overseas. That's enclosed car trailer for rent what built Ohio, and that's what built America. enclosed car trailer for rent (Applause.)
south carolina enclosed car trailer for rent jimmy buffett tour dates And that's enclosed car trailer for rent what we're fighting for. That's what we're fighting for right now. That's the economy we need to build together. And I promise you, we will not get there if we adopt these ideas that somehow spending more money on tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires who don't need them and aren't even asking for them is actually going to improve the economy. We tried that it did not work.
THE PRESIDENT: Now, the bulk of this tax cut would go to the very top. A lot of it would go to the wealthiest 1 percent of all households. Folks making more than $3 million a year the top one-tenth of one percent would get a tax cut worth almost a quarter enclosed car trailer for rent of a million dollars. Now, think about that. Folks making $3 million a year or more would get a quarter-of-a-million-dollar tax cut.
But, listen, it gets worse. (Laughter.) Under my opponent's south carolina jimmy buffett tour dates plan, who do you think gets the bill for these $250,000 tax cuts? You do. And you do not have to take my word for it. Just today, an independent, nonpartisan organization south carolina jimmy buffett tour dates ran all the numbers on Governor Romney's plan. This wasn't my staff, enclosed car trailer for rent this wasn't south carolina jimmy buffett tour dates something we did an independent south carolina jimmy buffett tour dates group ran the numbers. They found that if Governor Romney wants to keep his word and pay
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